Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We saw Gustav come, and we saw Gustav go.

But all we got was a little rain on Monday. And by a little rain, I mean one of these ridiculous episodes where one second the sky is gently misting and then the next second baseball sized-raindrops are falling in sheets, and then a second later is sunny and clear. And a disturbing amount of water is gushing out of your drainpipe. This is all very common around here though.

But our hearts go out to those who actually got hit hard by the storm, like in poor Louisiana. Come on, Hurricanes. Let's give it a break, yeah? Or how about Cuba? Sucks to live there sometimes.

So I know this is lame, but I heard this song in my car and thought of the evacuees who came here to Houston, and also those who stayed home and waited out the storm. Just let it touch your heart like it touched mine. (Ignore the video, it means nothing.)

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